The Legendary Photographer Richard Franklin

Richard Franklin:
Our last interview with Legendary Photographer Richard Franklin October 10, 2009 is best noted for the fact that it was the first time we featured a male on the cover of eGirls News Magazine.
Over the past several years we have had email from “models informing us about male models that they felt would make a good cover,” “male models inquiring as to how they might be feature” and “even those working with us wanting to feature a friend or someone they felt could be a cover model for us.”
I’m happy to report, “I didn’t happen.” That honor to be featured on any of our magazine cover goes to someone who we (eGirls News) feels are “Special,” “Has something to say,” and “Is part of our eGirls News family from our beginning until now and without ever asking anything of us in return.”
This will be the second time that Legendary Photographer Richard Franklin will be featured and the second time in the history of eGirls News Magazine that a male is featured on the cover.
As we said, in the October 10, 2009 issue and we again proudly say in this issue June 1, 2011 “The one photographer every model should know.”

Our feature on Richard and what he’s been up to will be a completely new and different direction in that the (June 1, 2011) would be one of only two “Special Collectible Audio Editions” we have produced. The first audio edition was with East Coast top model Nicole Kelly; affectionately known as “NK.” But, this “Special Collectible Audio Editions” goes future by it having three over 45 minutes audio interviews on three of Richard’s favorite subjects: Glamour photography, His uncanny technique qualities in his current phase of photography and finally we get to see the personal side of this “Legendary Photographer.” We will also include a pictorial edition showcasing his favorite photos; glamour, techniques and personal selections that can only be found on this special audio edition along with the original October 10, 2009 edition and bonus pictorial that accompany the October 10, 2009 issue and his very first trading card produce by us for this “Special Collectible Audio Edition.” And, it is also worth noting that Richard special trading card is signed and in a limited quality (again, another of our special collectibles that collectors will sort after for years to come).
I begin by turning off the Los Angeles (CA) Hollywood freeway (Hi-Way 101) at the Sunset Blvd exit, heading west towards West Hollywood for my first face to face meeting with “Legendary Photographer Richard Franklin.”
Even though we have been in contact since our earliest beginning (Richard first appeared in an article of West Coast Pin-Up Magazine (one of our rarest collectibles) in the mid-eighties that later became eGirls News Magazine) with a follow-up article of Richard in eGirls News Magazine, October 10, 2009 issue. Our upcoming feature on Richard and what he’s been up to will be a completely new and different direction in that the (June 1, 2011) would be one of only two “Special Collectible Audio Editions” we have produced. The first audio edition was with East Coast top model Nicole Kelly; affectionately known as “NK.” But, this “Special Collectible Audio Editions” goes future by it having three over 45 minutes audio interviews on three of Richard’s favorite subjects: Glamour photography, His uncanny technique qualities in his current phase of photography and finally we get to see the personal side of this “Legendary Photographer.” We will also include a pictorial edition showcasing his favorite photos; glamour, techniques and personal selections that can only be found on this special audio edition along with the original October 10, 2009 edition and bonus pictorial that accompany the October 10, 2009 issue and his very first trading card produce by us for this “Special Collectible Audio Edition.” And, it is also worth noting that Richard special trading card is signed and in a limited quality (again, another of our special collectibles that collectors will sort after for years to come).
As I’m driving west on famed Sunset Blvd I’m noticing how commercial Hollywood has become; fast foods, beauty products outlets, music stores, liquid stores, fast food and Oh! “The Car Wash!” Crossing into West Hollywood and even more commercialized we see; fast foods stores, strip clubs, hotels and upscale boutiques. I finally get to where I will make my right turn (for privacy reasons I’m not mentioning the street name) and begin my journey up into the West Hollywood Hills (better known as, “The Mountain Top”) and I mean to the very top level of the West Hollywood, Hills where quite a selection of named celebrities call home – “On Top of the Mountain.”
Finally reaching Richard home my first thoughts,
“What a beautiful day in LA (sang to the tune of Mr. Rogers – being at this high a level in the West Hollywood Hill’s there is a surreal aspect to what you think you are about to see) and I’m finally getting the opportunity to meet with the “Legendary Photographer Richard Franklin” in person. As I ring the bell and wait a few moments the door finally opens and what you immediately notice is a handsome man. A person who is confident, self assured, whose skills as a photographer are without peer.
As I entered Richard’s “stylish” multi-million dollar home at the top of the West Hollywood Hills, you can’t but notice some incredible poster size images (photos) of some of the most beautiful women to have ever been in front of a camera lens and as we pass the kitchen Richard asked not as a guest, not as a friend, but someone for whom he felt comfortable with and not guarded “Can I get you a refreshment?” But, before I could answer – I did something – I’ve never done before, with so many personal interviews under my belt, having met countless number of stars and celebrities.
That was to ask while pointing to three photos on the wall like a school kid, an apprentice (say I said it), or best yet (novice) “Who Is That!”
Without a pause or break in his stride and knowing full well the photos that I was speaking of Richard answers back, “That’s my former girlfriend … a lovely girl.” “Sometimes words don’t fit, but if you could see the expression on my face; it said it all. She was truly something to see.”
After a tour of his home, with so many rooms, that is familiar as the backdrop in many of his most popular images. I’m then lead to one of the many balconies overlooking his pool below and the view of the Los Angeles skyline (looking south) is simply breathtaking. Another feature about his unique home is that Richard has commissioned painters to reproduce several of his images as full painted wall images – “the true multi-million dollar Bachelor pad.”
But, I was there to finalize Richard’s upcoming issue and it was time to get to work.
Our complete conversation with Richard in this “Special Audio Edition of eClub Models AND eGirls News Magazine Collectible Audio Edition” will focus on the three main parts of his life at this moment; “Glamour – His love and gift of glamour photography before and now,” “Techniques and Technical’s – What Richard is doing now photography wise and how he is achieving extremely creative images used in his photos without airbrushing, manipulations or photo shop,” and “The Person – We end by understanding Richard Franklin the man in his own words about his personal likes and dislikes.”
As I’ve said earlier while driving to meet Richard “LA has become so commercial” but, we now know of at least one person who is “Original,” “One-of-a-kind” and a “True Living Legend – Richard Franklin.” We hope you will find our special issue for eGirls News AND eClub Models Magazine Collector’s Audio Edition a must see, must have, must listen to issue as must as we have enjoyed producing it. Visit on line at click on the Richard Franklin magazine cover and enjoy. Ron/Editor